Java SE 6 schedule update
2006/09/04 21:29:56 -07:00

The endgame of a major software release is always an exciting time. Even when you build some slack into the schedule for the inevitable surprises, Murphy often strikes in brand new ways that manage to absorb that slack, and sometimes more.

So it is with Mustang Java SE 6.

Since the previous schedule adjustment, which Ray Gans described back in January, we’ve been working toward a final release date in late October. Following the second beta release in June, the code freeze for the release candidate was to have been at build 96 a few weeks ago.

Unfortunately about fifty showstopper bugs remained after build 96, and the incoming bug rate is a bit higher than we’d like, so the freeze date was moved out two weeks to build 98 (last Friday) and two additional weeks of testing were added. Nobody likes schedule slips, but shipping a high-quality release is more important than hitting a particular date. (In a future entry I’ll talk more about what constitutes a “showstopper.”)

With these changes the release candidate will now ship at the end of October and the final release will ship in the first week of December. (It won’t be in the last week of November due to the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S.) We’re also continuing to work with our PC OEM partners to ensure that the Java SE 6 JRE will be included on new PCs at the time of the Windows Vista launch.

For those interested in the details, here are the showstoppers fixed in build 97:

6430931Win L&F:FileChooser Details view under Vista throws an exception
6435825Win Vista: add animation support for swing components
6449122javac process is failing on integration compile
6449504REGRESSION:ZipException exception throws when try to read a XML file
6450654JNLP app download hangs when BASIC authenticating through HTTPS tunnel
6452106FlowView.layout causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
6453229REGRESSION: SIGSEGV while setting MulticastSocket option
6453615DOC: Umbrella for build documentation changes
6456523Update the class data sharing class list
6458537BiasedLocking causes 30% Performance regression in SPECjAppServer
6458700WinLaF : Vista : JScrollbar button updates on rollover instead of entire scrollbar
6458742cannot load the interactive applet from
6459089ArithmeticException with JEditorPane containing HTML
6459421javac hangs
6459670C2 segv running jlapack
6459806Behaviour of java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.getListeners(,null) is invalid
6460113REGRESSION: Access Violation running on 5.0u9 b01 plugin
6460510Applet throws OutOfMemory/ClassNotFound exception with cache enabled

Build 98 contains fixes for these bugs:

6239354ORB.create_value_tc() does not set TypeCode.concrete_base variable properly
6417341IE Window becomes Zombie when closed prior to the modal dialog
64253215u8b1 PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceTemplate components_established:Failed incorrect id
6439864Desktop.browse does not work in a webstarted/plugin app, were as the equivalent webstart API works
6443686javadoc may need to be updated due to name change
6456678SQLException throws a NPE, is not thread-safe and is not coherent
6458333DataSet.insert() may fail when multiple threads attempt to insert. No exception is thrown
6459029Attempt to close Query object after closing DataSet throws NPE
6459927SyncFactory.getRegisteredProviders() returns Enumeration of String instead of SyncProvider since b95
6460067A call to QueryObjectFactory.createDefaultQueryObject() loses the con object of a preceding call
6461677Pull Deployment Toolkit from binary
6462001Webstart broken on b92+
6462356Solaris only: IME can not be turned on in NetBeans IDE
6462447select/update query sharing parameter throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException
6462470java.lang.NullPointerException from query object update procedure
6462628Changes needed to for new datatypes to avoid collisions with Oracle data types
6463155JCK-runtime-6.0: api/java_net/distributed/index.html#NetDistributed fails under plugin
6463235Regression on combo boxes in b96
6463476Subpixel rendering: courier W 12pt looks bad
64636126451939 only fixed for Metal L&F
6463661JAXP’s StAX impl does not use stax.properites as defined by JSR 173